We chose to do our reflection on the app Urbanspoon,
this app allows you to pick what kind of cuisine you would like or the price
range you would like to stay in. It also shows you some of the most popular
places to go. Once you’ve chosen a category and clicked on it, the app brings
you to a list of restaurants near you that it thinks you might be interested in.
When you click on the restaurant you would like to know more about it then
shows you how people have rated the restaurant, it shows blog posts and reviews
and you can also see the menu, pictures and location and contact details about
it. Shannon and I thought it would be interesting to make our own app but for a
specific restaurant, something where you can get all the information you may
want about the restaurant before you eat there. We decided we would make the
app for my dad’s restaurant. We want to app to show the menu, prices, contact
information, location, pictures and reviews. We are even going to try and see
if we can add something so that you can make a reservation through the app. We
think it will be interesting because you can learn about the restaurant before
you even go to it like the food it serves, the prices and where exactly it is.
Then you can put up your own review to let people know what you thought of it
so that others can see your opinion too. Technology is a huge part of today’s
society and so sooner or later everything is going to be done through
technology. Just like this app we are hoping to make and how with a few clicks
you can have so much information about a place.